hello I am Violet and I want to sey happy Chrismas to all the theachers thats have acompained me , help me and taught me in this trimest
for eli :thanks you for teach us throughout
the trimest without losing the patience and
help us in whar we didn't understand
for susana : thanks for teach us spanish so
that we can understand the information that
tells us something or someone
the trimest without losing the patience and
help us in whar we didn't understand
for susana : thanks for teach us spanish so
that we can understand the information that
tells us something or someone
for arancha : thanks for theach is music
and help us at the playground ,
and help us at the playground ,
for marina and jeny : thanks for teach us
plastic an teach us lots of things thath
help us in plastic
for diego : thanks for helping us to get in
better shape and not hurting us doing
for nicolas : thanks for teach us the live
of Jesus and be a good person